Tuesday 25 January 2011

First stage of filming.

We decided to go and shoot the scene of the drunken girl being sick in the toilet. This scene was suitble to film during lessons as the settting was a bathroom, and was possible to use the college toilets. The only prop that we had to collect was lentil soup for the sick. We shot the scene from her point of view, the camera looking down as if she was holding onto the toilet and seeing the sick fall into it. We put the girls hands onto the side of the toilet, and hair was falling down around the camea. Soup was then poured into the toilet mimicking her being sick, and we made the sound effects of sickness.
We soon found that this was not the easiest of scenes to shoot. Being in a school toilet cubicle it became very crowded. It was necassery to have three people at least within the cubicle. One to hold the camera (Daniel), one to act as the hands and occupy the shot (myself) one to act the noises (catherine) and one to pour the soup (megan). We had to be very organised and timed within the shot, and a huge amount of teamwork and discussion had to take place. We had to simultainiously pour the soup whilst making the noices, and ensure that the soup tin didnt come into the shot. It took us various takes and attempts to get the perfect shot.

In the end it was sucessful, however we did have to sacrafice some things that were planned originally. For example our main problem was positioning the camera in the correct place and enabling megans hair to fall over the sides of the camera. We soon found however that this was a problem as the camera was to big to fit between megan and the toilet as if the camera was her eyes. If the camera was positioned in front of megans face, we couldnt see the hands on the side of the toilet which were the things that made it really seem as if we were seeing it through the girls eyes. We had to play around with the shot, realising that the only possible way was to pysically move the camera to the right of megans face so we could pull the camera out and see her hands. However this was at the sacrafice of her hair dangling around the camera which would have added even more realisim to the cameras point of view from the girls eyes. Therefore we had a minor shot change.

We were also unsucessful in the fact that in some of the shots taken the tin of soup would appear in the corner of the shot, giving away to the audience that it was in fact soup, not sick. However it will be possible to hide this mistake in the editing process.

To conclude looking back at the footage we shot we were very sucessful. Although we had to sacrafice not having megans hair in the shot, we still fulfilled the main aim of ensuring that the camera was in the place of megans eyes and from her point of view.

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