Wednesday 19 January 2011

Coming up with ideas and considering feedback about our two chosen ideas.

Firstly we decided as a group that we would focus on the awareness of the consequences of drinking. Although an already researched and publicized topic we believed that there was still room for originality and creativity to create a brand new, successful public service broadcast. We knew after researching the topic of the consequences of drinking, many of the adverts, as predicted were aimed at teenager and young adults.
This advert is aimed at young adults and teenagers- the age in which the majority of binge drinking takes place. I realised that this advert especially focused on the vulnerability and embarrassment that over drinking can cause. This successfully made me as an audience think twice about the possible consequences about over drinking. When asking my peers about what they thought about this advert they agreed that it was successful and really made them think about the vulnerable positions that drinking can put them in and the lack of control in which they have.

Other adverts I found aimed at teenagers that seemed to affect people emotionally when I asked their opinion of it was the adverts showing the emotional or physical consequences of drinking.
I found that this advert was successful when asking people to view it. I found that by hitting their emotions really made a long term impact on them. Adverts that seemed to try and use comedy to bring across the message was less successful. The powerful image of the woman in tears at the end really tugs on the heart strings.
This advert personally for me was extremely effective. The way in which he seems like a normal youngster from the back, an average child playing around with a basketball is the perfect stereotype of a youngster. However when the camera pans round to see his face it is truly shocking as we see that in fact he has aged a great deal, we realise later from the consequences of drinking. This opposes the stereotype of what we expect to be a youthful face. This is why it is so effective, it shocks the target audience of teenagers. They don't want to appeal abnormal. When showing this advertisement to my peers there were many comments about how disturbing it was and how disgusting he looked. This is why the advert is successful. It grabs the attention of teenagers and shocks them. They don't want an aged face, it would be abnormal and abnormality and appearance is a very sensitive topic around teenagers.

From this advert my idea became clear. I had realised from my research of asking people of our target audience what they thought of these adverts that the most effective ones were the ones that dealt with the emotional and physical consequences of drinking, especially if they resulted in abnormality. For this reason i decided to focus my idea on the emotional and physical consequences of drinking. I thought that the advertisement when you see the face at the end was also extremely effective, which is where the idea of seeing the girls distraught and upset face last came from. I also like the vulnerability and this is the main message that I wanted to bring across in my P.SB, which is why i included the possibility of a male taking advantage of a girl whilst she is drunk. Although this would mainly be aimed at women anti drinking, it would be very effective.

When presenting our ideas to the class, there was fairly positive feedback. We decided to choose mine and Daniels idea. This was because we agreed that these ideas had the most originality, with the most potential. The other ideas that were shared also could have been successful. For this reason I took some of their ideas and incorporated them into my own, such as the blurred vision and hand held camera and the alleyway scene. This way it would make our two chosen public service broadcasts substantially stronger.

The feedback we as said before was overly positive. They said that the ideas were original and contained a clear message about the seriousness of the consequences of drinking. However to improve we could ensure that the anti drinking message would be a lot clearer in the actual production. For Daniels advert for example instead of a man walking and drunkenly stumbling, he would be holding a beer and there would be a clearer voice over at the end of the message.

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