Thursday 20 January 2011

Creating the poster.

When creating the poster to go with my anti drinking campaign i realised that after researching them, the simpler the poster, the better. It was extremley common for the poster to have striking white writing on top of a dark, dramatic picture.
This poster is visually effective. The questionmarks relate directly to the target audience. The white bold writing is also extremley eye catching as it contrasts with the background, attracting the eye. The fact that the poster shows alcohol enables the poster to be quick at sending the message across that it is about alchol abuse. The audience dosent need to figure out the message of the poster, it is visually clear. For this reason the poster is effective.

This poster below also has bold white writing over a dramatic picture. This seems to be a typical code of anti drinking posters. The message is quick and straight to the point, no messing around. "u booze" "u looze" is simple and effective. The way in which the "u" is used is directly aimed at yound adults and teenagers, the target audience. This is supported by the young male character featured in the poster. When asking people what they thought of this poster they explained to me that the posters message was simple and effective. They knew that the poster was sending the massage across that drinking can cause disruption in life.This made me realise that when i create my poster, it would be a good idea to keep mine simple and straight to the point. With a fairly young target audience it seems as if a simple message that is fast to bring across is alot more effective than having to be analytical to find out the message.


When producing my own poster for my anti drinking campaign I used the typical code and convention that all of the other anti drinking posters that I observed, using bold writing in a simple font on top of a dark, dramatic picture. Becuase of my storyboard all being based around the message that drinking causes vulnerablility i decided that a picture of a young girl (the main target audience of my campaign) would be best to use. It is clear from the photograph in the poster that the girl is vulnerable and has clearly drunk too much. The bottle of cider emphasizes the message and is stereotypical to see a girl in a state with a cider bottle laying next to her. The message is then emphasized by the bold title of "vulnerability is caused by drinking" then "dont put yourself in that position" in crimson writing with an impacting font. The message is clear and straight to the point, similar to the posters that I observed in my research. The logo at the bottom (ECMD ADVERTISING)  adds professionalism and realism to my poster. By having a company name visible, but undestracting of the main message, it makes the target audience think more seriously about the message that the poster is conveying. Overall my posters message is simple, and it attracts the target audience of young teenage girls of whom are likely to drink and reminds them of the vulnerability that they can put themselves in when drinking excessive amounts.

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