Friday 19 November 2010

What i want to create...

So what do i want to create?

DEMOGRAPHIC: Middle aged, middle/upper class, educated men.
AIM: I need to create a magazine using the correct codes and conventions, with consideration of the uses and gratification theory, to attract my demographic. After thinking about the magazines available i realised that there are not many magazines out there suitible for this demographic, especiallty the educated men. For this reason i am going to base my magazines on POLITICS, the ECONOMY and BUSINESSES.

INITIAL IDEAS FOR LAYOUT/COMPOSITION: My first thought and realisation was that the magazines available to men of similar demographics is that the photograph posing as the background of the magazine is always an idol to the demographic, or someone that they can relate to. This is because it emphasizes verimimilitude for the audience. So i thought who is the idol for this demographic that is related to politics (one of the features of my magazine). The obvious one is prime minister David Cameron. He is perfectly idolised by my demographic. He is leader of the conservative party, a party whose main support come from middle/upper classes which is the audience in which my magazine is aimed at. He is successful, and has worked his way up in his career, now with a respectable job. This is perfect for my demographic as they are going to be inspired by sucess and can relate it to their lives as many will be involved in businesses or the economy of some kind. Cameron himself is also affecting their lives directly, being the prime minister as he is the one that controls the economy and political situations. As soon as he is seen on the front cover, the demographic will be interested to know his next move, or his new policies.

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