Friday 18 March 2011

Textual analysis of Britney spears.

Genre- pop music video.  
                     - codes and conventions- dance routine, lip sync, sterotypes,

Narrative- daydream- represented by blur. We can tell that its a daydream by the way in which it ends where it began, back in the classroom with DIAGETIC SOUND.

Representaion- stereotypical ideology of a teenage girl. She wears the same (mise en scene) yet stands out.


- should be a 'star' as centre stage
- extreme close ups freaquently to provide audience with a sense of VOYERISM (comfort in being able to look at people close up out of curiosity without feeling guilt)
- the visuals will relate to the song
- narrative to the video. a beggining middle and end.
- thought beats, seeing the sound in our head.